Citrus Heights Water District Projects
Maintaining Infrastructure to Meet the Needs of Today and Tomorrow
Capital improvement projects help CHWD maintain its infrastructure and keep it up to date, increase needed capacity, and continue to provide great service to its customers. Following is a list of current and recently completed CHWD projects. For more information on CHWD capital improvement projects, contact the District Office at (916) 725-6873.
Project | Completion/ Due Date |
Admiral Avenue and Anchor Circle Water Main Project | Construction Summer 2024 |
Patton Avenue Water Main Project | Completed Summer 2024 |
Reno Lane Water Main Project | Completed Summer 2024 |
Madison Ave at Dewey Dr Water Main Project | Completed Winter 2022 |
Walnut Drive Water Main Replacement | Completed Fall 2022 |
Mesa Verde HS and Carriage Drive Water Main Project | Completed Fall 2022 |
Pratt Ave Transmission Main Project | Completed Spring 2022 |
Fair Oaks Blvd Water Main Installation | Completed Winter 2021 |
Antelope Rd at Rusch Park Water Main Project | Completed Winter 2021 |
Langley Avenue & Chance Drive Water Main Installation | Completed Fall 2021 |
Wisconsin Drive Water Main Replacement Design | Completed Summer 2021 |
Highland Ave Well Project
The Highland Ave Well Project consists of the construction and operation of a municipal water supply well and pump station within the service area of CHWD. The proposed Highland Ave Well is intended to provide CHWD with additional water resources for typical municipal and industrial uses. Some expected benefits of the project include:
- Enhancing the reliability and redundancy of water supplies that are available to serve the CHWD’s customers.
- Serving as a source of water supply in the event of a water infrastructure or water supply emergency.
- Serving as a source of water supply to help meet CHWD’s maximum daily and peak hour water supply needs.
- Providing price stability in anticipation of projected price increases for water purchases.
- Providing additional resources for fire flow requirements.
CHWD recently completed the environmental review process for the Highland Ave Well Project. The Notice of Determination (NOD) was issued on April 15, 2020. Relevant Highland Ave Well Project Environmental Documents are linked below:
Project 2030
In 1998, the District developed a 30-year (1999-2030) Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). Over the past 20 years, this Plan has been a key planning tool for the District in determining annual capital improvement projects. This CIP plan has been used over the years by the District to develop its annual Capital Improvement projects list. As the above Plan is nearing the end of its term, the District is focusing on the water main component of the Plan to prepare a new Study that will: 1) build-off of the current Plan; 2) focus on the water main portion of the District’s overall CIP program.
While this Study is focused on developing an infrastructure and funding strategy for the replacement of water mains, an evaluation of alternatives will have to consider the larger capital improvement program requirements of the District (e.g. well development, meter replacement, other system infrastructure improvements, human resources (staffing), etc.).
The majority of urban development within the District’s service territory occurred between the period of 1960-1985. Water mains were installed primarily by private developers. The District’s service area urbanized mostly between 1960-1985 with water mains mostly installed by private developers. These water mains became donated assets to the District, which then became CHWD’s responsibility to operate, maintain, and replace them. Today, CHWD operates and maintains over 250 miles of pipeline.
Key elements of this Study include: 1) Asset Inventory and Project Polygon Development, 2) Future Water Demand Projections, 3) Water Main Assessment, 4) Water Main Replacement Phasing Options and Preferred Option, 5) Project Cost Estimates, 6) Funding Strategy, including Water Rate Options and Debt Service Options and 7) Implementation Plan.
To ensure that the alternatives considered address the needs and input from the communities we serve, CHWD formed a Customer Advisory Committee (CAC). This committee worked with a technical team to consider the water main replacement options while analyzing key financial and technical issues that promote equity of funding between today's and future CHWD customers. The CAC presented its recommendation to the CHWD Board of Directors on June 8, 2021. The Board approved the CAC's recommendation and developed a plan to fund work through 2080.
Engineering, Financial Planning & Public Engagement Services
Project 2030
Water Main Replacement Study
Project 2030 RFP
Project 2030 Dedicated Charge
For Questions
Contact Project 2030 Project Manager Missy Pieri, PE at
Meter Replacement Program
In 1992, the State of California required all new water connections to be metered. In 1995 CHWD’s wholesale water supplier, San Juan Water District (SJWD), renewed its contract with the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) to receive USBR contract water. The Federal contract contained a requirement for all water connections using USBR contract water be metered by 2025. In 1997, CHWD began a Voluntary Residential Metering Program for all customer connections. Through this program and other installation projects, the District became fully metered in December 2006 and began metered billing in January 2008.
CHWD’s first generation of meters will soon approach the end of their lifespans. The new generation of meters is anticipated to provide real-time measurements of water usage, allow on-demand tracking, and easier detection of small leaks to improve water efficiency.
Under CHWD’s leadership, a consortium of 12 local agencies recently completed a study to review new meter technologies and determine the best path forward for water meter testing and replacements. Since then, CHWD completed a pilot program to test out new technology, and is working toward developing a meter testing program to better inform future meter purchasing decisions. Whenever possible, CHWD will partner with other water providers to reduce costs for the replacement of aging water meters.
The District formed a partnership with 11 local water agencies to complete a regional Water Meter Planning Study which includes a review of existing meter inventory, an assessment of new meter technology, meter testing options, and future financial planning strategies. The goal is to replace aging water meters and implement a meter testing program.
For Questions
Contact Meter Replacement Program Project Manager Rebecca Scott at
Groundwater Expansion & Reinvestment
CHWD's main water source is the American River via Folsom Lake. The District currently operates four active wells with two wells in reserve. CHWD is adding two more new wells to improve reliability and emergency preparedness. These wells will be equipped with Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) technology that will allow us to store water during wet years to increase reliability during dry years.
Through our commitment to advocate on your behalf with regional, State, and Federal interests, CHWD has secured $1.6 million in Federal and State grant funding for its groundwater expansion program. There are very few opportunities for non-ratepayer funding, and CHWD continues to be aggressive in identifying and applying for grants and other non-ratepayer funding opportunities.
Updates as of Summer 2024:
Well #7: Pre-Construction
Well #8: Design Phase
Groundwater meets a portion of CHWD's water supply needs during a normal year, and even more during drought periods. By expanding our groundwater program, we reduce reliance on surface water from Folsom Lake to ensure a consistent water supply for our customers.
The new wells will be the first wells equipped with Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) technology that allows excess surface water in wet years to be injected into the ground and stored, and later extracted in dry periods to meet the water supply needs of CHWD customers. These high-capacity groundwater wells will be capable of delivering more than 1,000 gallons of drinking water per minute each.
Working with our federal and regional partners, the District has secured $1.6 million in Federal and State grant funding for its groundwater expansion program. The District's new well project was awarded $1.1 million in Integrated Regional Water Management Grant funds through the California Department of Water Resources for construction. In March 2022, CHWD was awarded a $585,000 grant as part of a 2022 omnibus funding package approved by the Federal Government. There are very few opportunities for non-ratepayer funding, and CHWD continues to be aggressive in identifying and applying for grants and other non-ratepayer funding opportunities.
For Questions
Contact Groundwater Expansion & Reinvestment Program Project Manager Rebecca Scott at
District-Wide Annexation Project
Citrus Heights Water District (CHWD or District) was formed as an Irrigation District in 1920 to provide water service to approximately 3,000 acres of predominantly large agricultural properties in northeast Sacramento County. As urbanization took place over the ensuing 100 years, lands outside the original District boundary have been formally annexed into the District as a condition of receiving water service. Since 1963, the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo) has been the governing body that oversees this annexation process. Of the approximately 8,100 acres located within the District’s boundary, approximately 7,800 acres (97%) were currently annexed and receiving water service at the start of this project.
The District completed a detailed study of properties located within the current service area and identified 155 properties totaling a net of approximately 265 acres that had not been formally annexed to the District. Phase 1 of the District-wide Annexation Project (Project) formally annexed those 265 acres through LAFCo. Phase 1 also streamlines the annexation process for properties within the service area who wish to be annexed into the District in the future. Phase 2 of the Project allowed the CHWD Board of Directors to consider annexation of the properties into the District.
March 19, 2020
Notification letters were sent to affected parcel owners
April 15, 2020
CHWD Board approved LAFCo Application (Phase 1)
August 5, 2020
LAFCo Annexation hearing held
December 16, 2020
CHWD Board formally annexed select properties (Phase 2)
Project Completed:
December 16, 2020