Rebates and Programs Available
Rebates and Programs to Help You Use Water Efficiently and Save Money
To assist customers in conserving water and protecting property, the District provides rebates for the purchase and installation of pressure reducing valves and ultra-low flush (ULF) toilets. CHWD also offers a $50-$75 rebate, subject to available funding, for the purchase of a high-efficiency clothes washer.
Ultra-Low Flush (ULF) Toilet Rebates

Customers may apply for the ULF toilet rebate when replacing older, less water-efficient toilets (3.5 gallon per flush (gpf) or higher). Customers may be eligible for a rebate of up to $75 on a new, ultra-low-flush toilet, which uses only 1.6 gpf; or on a new, high efficiency toilet, which uses only 1.28 gpf. ULF toilet rebates are part of CHWD’s conservation program and may be discontinued at any time, subject to available funding. You may claim up to three toilet rebates per household. For a copy of the CHWD toilet rebate form, click here.
Pressure Reducing Valve (PRV) Rebate

Citrus Heights Water District (CHWD) offers rebates to customers who install a pressure reducing valve (PRV) on their service connection to reduce incoming water pressure. To qualify for the rebate, a CHWD representative must be permitted to inspect the property to verify installation of the PRV.
Installed after the water meter at homes or commercial buildings, PRVs automatically reduce the pressure from the water supply main to a pre- set level (i.e. generally 60 to 65 pounds per square inch) that is more suitable for efficient operation of irrigation systems, fixtures, and appliances. For a copy of the PRV Rebate form click here.
High-Efficiency Clothes Washer Rebate

High-efficiency clothes washers can significantly reduce your energy and water use with savings of up to 43% in energy and 45% in water use over regular washers. That can add up to a savings of 3,000 gallons of water per year. CHWD is here to help with a $50-$75 rebate, subject to available funding. Act now to secure yours! Download and complete the form linked here.
Free Smart Irrigation Controller Program

Citrus Heights Water District is proud to partner with WaterWise Consulting and Hydro-Rain to provide a limited supply of complimentary B-Hyve smart irrigation controllers to our customers!
One smart irrigation controller, including installation, is available at no charge to CHWD customers who have a standard sprinkler timer installed. This offer is available on a first-come, first-served basis while supplies last. There is a limit of one controller per District service connection. WaterWise must complete a free Irrigation Efficiency Review for the customer prior to installing the smart controller.
B-Hyve Smart Controller Sign-Up Form
Sign-up using the form below.
WaterWise will contact you to explain the next steps and schedule your free Irrigation Efficiency Review and installation of the Hydro-Rain B-Hyve controller.
Meet WaterWise Consulting for the appointment.
That’s it! If you have any questions, please contact