Construction Water Permit Construction Water Permit Name*Phone*Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Mailing Address*Project*IS HEREBY AUTHORIZED TO WITHDRAW AND USE WATER FROM A FIRE HYDRANT LOCATED AT:Terms and ConditionsSUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Only an approved spanner wrench shall be used to operate any fire hydrant. Any other type of wrench is strictly forbidden. Hydrants must be opened and closed slowly with an approved fire hydrant wrench. Please call CHWD @ (916) 725-6873 if you have any questions or concerns. The permit must, at all times, be carried in the vehicle drawing water for inspection by the Water Purveyor, Fire Department, Sheriff or Police Department. The permittee shall, by acceptance and use of this permit, be responsible for any damage to a fire hydrant or appurtenances, as a result of the use herein authorized, shall be held responsible for the costs of its repairs, and agree to pay such costs as soon as the amount thereof is authorized. CHARGES WILL BE BASED UPON THE FOLLOWING:SCHEDULE A Price: For Lots and/or Building Pads. Lots/Pads @ $212.47 per lot (12,000 sq. ft or less). (For lots in excess of 12,000 sq ft, the rate per lot increases in proportion to the area.)QuantitySchedule B Price: $49.45 For Trenches/Excavation/Rd Construction/Grading/Earth Compaction $57.36 per 100 cubic yards of excavationLengthWidthDepthTotal Cubic Yards QTYTotal Cubic YardsSCHEDULE C Price: $49.45 $9.50 per 1,000 gallons For Tank Trucks.GallonsGallons of Tank TruckEstimated # of LoadsSchedule E Price: $55.63 $64.53 per Day For Non-Profit Organizations - No Minimum ChargeNumber of DaysTotal $0.00 The Minimum Charge for all Schedules is $309.00 payable by the 10th of the month following the billing date.Contractor/Firm NameWater PurveyorContractor/RepresentativeDistrict Representative Δ SIGN UP FOR ONLINE BILL PAY TODAY! GO PAPERLESS NOW